The Concertmaster

The Concertmaster is the prequel to The Conductor. Despite its chronology, it is going to be eventually published as a sequel, HOPEFULLY sometime in 2024. Feedback from my valuable beta readers helped me realize it made a lot more sense if it was a sequel instead, so I’m still working through the question of which-should-I-read-first, and trying to make it flow smoothly in either direction.

Due to its, er… spoiler-y nature and the fact that it’s a pre/sequel, I can’t tell you much about it yet. It’s still kind of a secret project, open secret though it may be.

What I can tell you is that The Concertmaster is that it’s geared towards a slightly younger audience. It’s my first children’s book, and I couldn’t be more excited! I’m actually writing this summary up right now instead of doing homework, that’s how excited I am. Inside this story you will find:

  • A main character with synesthesia
  • A villain who may or may not be imaginary
  • The Halls of Time
  • A guest appearance from The Conductor (hi, Elizabeth, it’s your favorite character)
  • Friendship and growing up
  • Mischief
  • An introduction to the world of orchestral music
  • And one map.