When Truth Offends

I'm not talking about words or characters today. Not even Tolkien. And maybe you're wondering why I'm taking a break from the usual. It's because this is important right now. The thing is, I write primarily fiction, so you may be questioning why I'm writing on this topic at all. It's because truth transcends genre. … Continue reading When Truth Offends

A Peek into My Writing Process

I don’t usually talk about my writing process, because I’m worried some people may find these stories of my brain’s inner workings boring and meaningless. But this story just holds too special a place in my heart for me not to share the story of its creation. If you know me well, you know that … Continue reading A Peek into My Writing Process

The Victory in Surrender

I wanted to make the title an oxymoron to grab your attention. If you're reading this, it worked. Now instead of my usual storytelling style, I'm going to begin with the end: When we surrender our lives to Christ, we are surrendering to the One who has already overcome the world. Surrender is an interesting … Continue reading The Victory in Surrender

Seeing the World through His Eyes

Some people call it stepping into their shoes. I call it seeing through their eyes. Either way, it means basically the same thing: taking on another's viewpoint, thinking the way they think, seeing the way they see, experiencing things the way they experience them. It's crucial when writing, because every character interprets the story differently. … Continue reading Seeing the World through His Eyes

The Stories of Our Hearts

Once upon a time, there lived an author, who, more than anything, lived his life in dedication to the noble art of storytelling. One day, he began a new project. He was quite used to the routine, for he had begun many stories in his lifetime. But this time it was different. This time, he … Continue reading The Stories of Our Hearts

Joy to the World

In honor of Christmas, I thought I would write about joy. Joy through trials, that is. I don't usually write on this topic, but it was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing, and I feel like I should post it. It has very little to do with writing, actually. And honestly, how am I qualified to … Continue reading Joy to the World